Awakening Read online

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  I reached the coffee shop in just a few short minutes. The lights had already been turned out. I went down the alley to the back door. It felt like deja vu and I became very nervous. I pressed on. I opened the door. The light in the office was on. I walked to the door and pushed it open. Jonah was sitting at the desk working on the cash out. He looked up startled. He was very surprised to see me considering I hadn’t been around in ages. He assumed I went away to start university. I tried to speak, but my body felt frozen. I wanted to run. I decided to stay. I opened my mouth and words just came pouring out. I told him that I had decided to hold off on university and that I was working evenings to save up some money.

  I cautiously moved closer and sat down in the chair opposite his. The desk was acting as a safe zone between us. My mind kept whispering to me, urging me to drink his blood. I suppressed those thoughts with all my might. Jonah was beautiful. He seemed so happy to see me. He wondered what I was doing at The Spark past closing time as all the coffee machines were turned off for the night. I explained to him that I wasn’t there for coffee, I was there to see him. I told him that I had feelings for him but I was never sure if it was mutual. I regretted telling him the second the words came out of my mouth. He was flattered. I could tell by the way he smiled at me with crinkles forming by his eyes. He admitted that he had feelings for me as well. He convinced me to let him take me on a date. He said we could go anywhere we wanted as long as it wasn’t a coffee shop. We decided to go snowshoeing on Reindeer Lake near my grandparents cabin. With that, I decided it was time to go home. Jonah stood up and walked me out the back door. We faced each other. I could tell he wanted to hug me. I wasn’t ready for his neck to be so close to me yet. I picked up his hand and held it close to my chest. My fuzzy mittens acted as a good barrier between us. Through them I could still feel his warmth. It was intoxicating. Our eyes locked and I told him that I couldn’t wait to see him again but that I had to go home now. I could feel him watching me until I turned the corner. I didn’t look back.

  Chapter 11

  It was finally Saturday. It felt like I had been waiting an eternity. I woke up early and sprang out of bed. I walked over to my calendar and flipped the page over to March. I spent the rest of the morning deciding what to wear on my date. I settled on skinny jeans and a red and black plaid flannel shirt. I thought I looked cute, cozy, and ready to take on the outdoors.

  Jonah picked me up right on time. He came to the door and presented my mom with a bouquet of tulips. He joked that pretty soon flowers would be springing up all over the neighborhood but he wanted to get a head start. I laughed at his nervous banter. We got into the car and headed for the lake. I turned my head and peered into the backseat. Jonah had packed a large cooler. I asked him if he was planning on staying at the cabin until summer as he had brought a ton of food. He furrowed his brow and assured me there was only enough food in there for the two of us to have for supper. How would I explain to him that I couldn’t eat the food that he had so thoughtfully prepared? I considered feigning sick.

  We reached the cabin a few minutes later. We unloaded the car and went inside to find the snow shoes. I entered the hallway. I reached up, and took hold of the chain that pulls down the attic staircase. I climbed up into the attic. It smelled musty. Cobwebs obscured the light from entering the octagonal window. I found the snowshoes hanging from the rafters. I passed them down to Jonah. I took one final look around. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a box that I hadn’t seen in a very long time. It was the box of toys that David and I used to play with when we were kids. I called down to Jonah and told him about my interesting find. He came up to take a look. Inside the box were some books and a set of wooden farm animals, among other treasures. The thing that interested me the most was an old jewelry box. The blue velvet had worn away from repetitious opening and closing. I lifted the lid and the springs squeaked with joy. The interior was lined with white satin, stained red by a little girl who loved to play with lipstick. Inside were three items which brought back so many fond memories. A tarnished ring holding a large white pearl, a colorful sailboat brooch, and my favorite piece, a long necklace. The necklace’s pendant was made up of two almost flat circles that could be unscrewed from one another to reveal a secret compartment. I told Jonah how I loved to play with this necklace for hours as a child. Grandma referred to it as my talisman. It always made me feel like I had a special secret because nobody else knew what I had hidden inside it. He suggested that I should wear it now because I was special and I should feel that way all the time. He took the necklace from me and spun me around. He swept my hair back and over my right shoulder. He undid the clasp of the necklace, put it around my neck and then locked the clasp. His touch sent tingles through my whole body. I turned around to face him and placed my hands on his cheeks. His eyes were glistening in the pale light from the window. We kissed. His lips were soft and tender. I had never felt anything like this before when I was a human. I was scared, but I liked it. I pulled away and suggested we go snowshoeing before it got dark out. We climbed down from the attic.

  Chapter 12

  We bundled up, grabbed the snowshoes, and headed down to the lake. The snow was was light and powdery. We began snowshoeing down along the river’s edge. We walked for quite a while. We talked about our lives while exchanging frequent smiles and glances. It felt wonderful.

  We decided to take a break and sat down on a fallen log. As we visited, I began to experience an overwhelming thirst throughout my whole body. I was unable to ignore it. I couldn’t figure out why it was happening now when I had shown so much restraint earlier. I turned away and closed my eyes for a second to try to calm myself. I couldn’t. Instead, the feelings got stronger and stronger. Something was near us, I could feel it. I opened my eyes and scanned the lake. Then I saw it. A huge grizzly bear staring at us. Our eyes locked. It started to run straight for us at full speed. I had to act quickly. I told Jonah to hide behind the log as there wouldn’t be enough time for us to run away. He objected when I refused to hide with him. I told him that no matter what he saw to just stay put until I came back for him. I prayed that he would listen.

  I whipped off my snowshoes and took off straight for the bear. I was faster than ever before. We squared off in the middle of the lake. He wasn’t going to back down and neither was I. He crouched down and pushed off into the air with all his might. He landed on top of me and pinned me against the ice. He was heavier than any other animal I had ever hunted before. I could hear Jonah in the distance screaming my name and the sound of his footsteps as he started to run towards us. I had to act fast or he would be in grave danger. I wrestled the bear onto his back. His eyes were gleaming and his teeth were snarling. I leaned in to take a bite, but he was too fast. He grabbed a hold of me with his large paws. His claws slashed through my jacket penetrating deep into the flesh on my back. It was agonizing but I had to focus. Jonah was getting closer. I grabbed a hold of the bear and threw his writhing body to the ground again with all the force I could muster. I could hear the ice begin to crack around us. The water began to swell. It was frigid. I forced myself to run. I met Jonah and we ran to the edge of the lake where it was safe. It was too late for the bear however. We watched as the water crept up around his limp body, swallowing him alive.

  I laid down on the side of the shore. I reached my hand to my back. I was already healed. Incredible. I was very tired though, after expending so much energy. I needed to feed. It wasn’t safe to be around Jonah when I was this hungry. I had to get away from him but he was frantic. He was as pale as a ghost and his eyes were like saucers. I could see the white all around them. He asked me what had just happened. His mind was unable to comprehend what he had just witnessed. I promised him that I would explain everything later. I told him to go back to the cabin right away and get warm. I assured him that everything was alright. He probably didn’t believe me. I wished I could have comforted him more, but I just couldn’t. I had to go. I ran into the forest as fast
as I could.

  My hunt was brief but I was satiated. I headed back to the cabin and went inside. Jonah had started a fire in the fireplace and was sitting in front of the fire. I was surprised that he hadn’t gone back to town leaving me stranded. He turned to me and demanded an explanation. He asked how was it possible that I, a one-hundred-and-ten pound girl, overpowered a seven-hundred pound grizzly bear. I was at a loss for words. I decided it would be best to tell the truth. I told him that I wasn’t the person he thought I was. I used to be, but something had happened that changed me. I was no longer a human. His eyes became wide again. He began to back away from me. He asked me what I was, if not a human. I explained to him that I was a vampire but tried my best to assure him that he was not in any danger around me. He couldn’t believe it. He didn’t want to either. I assured him that it was the truth and explained that I fed mainly on forest animals, but that I would only take what I needed and then let them go. He started to pace back and forth. I begged him to please keep my secret as he was the only person who knew the truth about me. He stopped pacing and looked into my eyes. He told me that he needed to go, to clear his head, but that he would come back. His voice was shaking. He was terrified of me.

  Chapter 13

  Jonah left the cabin and got into his car. Stones flew up from the ground beneath his tires as he sped away. My heart sank. I didn’t think he would come back. I went back inside and sat down in front of the fire. It was scorching. I preferred the cold. I picked up my talisman and stared at it. I wished that I could go back in time to when I was a little girl. Everything was so complicated now. I laid down on my side and pulled my knees up close to my chest. The sheepskin rug beneath me was soft and warm I fell asleep in front of the fire.

  While I slept I had a dream. In my dream I was sitting on a bench in a garden surrounded by beautifully kept flowers, vines, and hedges. I breathed deeply, the smell of the rose bushes was intoxicating. I watched as doves flitted around in a stone birdbath, preening their feathers and splashing in the water. I looked down at my hands. They were wrinkled and aged. From across the garden I could hear a beautiful voice singing. It was angelic. I got up from the bench and headed towards the magnificent sound. A young woman was knelt down tending to the garden, her long honey-blonde hair curling delicately at her waist. She had a basket of white roses sitting beside her. She gazed back over her shoulder. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Her skin a milky satin with ruby cheeks flushed from the heat of the day. She looked at me. Her silver eyes danced in the sunlight. She asked me if I thought father would like the roses she had chosen---//

  I awoke to a hand gently shaking my shoulder. It was Jonah. He had come back. He told me that he had driven around for hours trying to figure things out, but that he couldn’t. He was questioning everything that he thought he knew about life. He felt very lost. He said that the only thing he knew for certain was that he cared deeply for me. He thanked me for saving his life. He laid down beside me in front of the fire. We stayed that way for a long time with our legs intertwined and our eyes anchored on one another. I told him all of my secrets.

  Chapter 14

  Hours passed. I could hear his stomach start to grumble and asked if he was hungry. I explained that I could not eat the food that he had packed for us, but that he should eat, as he hadn’t eaten all day. He grabbed a sandwich from the cooler and started to eat. I watched him happily. It felt so nice to do something sort of normal for once.

  I realized I was still acquiring new instincts that I had to get accustomed to. I thought back to when I had fought the bear. The urge to protect Jonah was so incredibly strong. I would do anything for him. I was willing to die for him.

  It was getting very late. I suggested we stay at the cabin and return home in the morning. I told Jonah that he could sleep in my bed and that I would sleep on the hide a bed in the living room. We turned out the lights and went to sleep. I fell asleep quickly as I was still quite tired from fighting the bear.

  Hours passed and then I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Jonah. He couldn’t sleep and wondered if he could stay with me. He slid under the covers. I laid still beside him listening to him breathe. His heart was beating steady and perfect. He laid his palm on top on mine and our fingers interlaced. I listened. His heart started to speed up. He wanted to be near me just as much as I did him, like the invisible field pulling two magnets together, polar opposites drawn together. I turned onto my right side to face him and placed my left hand on his cheek. I slid my fingers down to his jaw and pulled him towards me. We kissed. I wanted more. Every cell in my body was stirring. I explained that I was a lot stronger than him. I was so afraid to lose control with him as I would be absolutely devastated if I hurt him. He told me that he trusted me and that if by some mistake I did kill him that it would be one hell of a way to go. I told him that I was being serious. He said that he was also. We kissed again, his warm lips melting into mine. He laid me down onto my back and pressed his hips rhythmically into mine. I couldn’t resist any longer.

  We proved our feelings for one another that night. It was the most meaningful thing I had ever experienced. It had intensified our bond. I hadn’t harmed him. I knew now that I was a lot stronger than I gave myself credit for.

  Chapter 15

  I was having so much fun spending time with Jonah. I hardly noticed when winter turned to spring. It was April. I woke up early one morning. The light of the day was shining happily through my bedroom window. The phone began to ring downstairs. I jumped up from the bed, scattering my blankets on the floor. I sped downstairs to answer the phone. It was grandma. She was home. I was so excited to hear her voice. We had so much catching up to do. She was at the cabin. She told me to meet her there in a few hours for tea and a much needed visit. It was April 25th tomorrow, my birthday, they always came home in time for my birthday. I was over the moon.

  I went back up to my room to get ready for the day. I pulled on some clothes and put my talisman necklace around my neck. I’d worn it everyday since the day I had found it. I wanted grandma to see me wearing it. I floated down the stairs and out the door. The drive to the cabin was vivid and beautiful. The sun was shining and the birds were singing. The trees were heavy with buds just waiting to burst open. It really was spring. I wished I could smell it. Spring was always one of my favorite smells, so fresh and intoxicating. At least I could feel the warm sun shining through the driver’s side window.

  My grandparent’s were home. The cabin was full of life once more. It was a good feeling. When I pulled into the lane, the first thing I saw was my grandpa. He was chopping wood. It was still cool during the night, so they would need wood to light fires in the wood burning stove at night. I hopped out of the car and ran up to him. He gave me the biggest hug and told me how much he had missed me and that I should go inside to see grandma because she was waiting.

  I ran up to the cabin and flung the door open. Grandma was sitting at the table by the window sipping from a tea cup. We exchanged a long hug and then she asked me to join her for a cup of tea. I protested, knowing full well that I could not consume any liquid besides blood. She chuckled and assured me that I would definitely be able to drink this tea. She was right. It was a warm, inviting drink, dark red in color.

  She asked me how I had been managing with the transition. I told her that everything was fine with me and that the letters she had left for me really helped me. She was so pleased. She noticed that I was wearing her talisman and commented that she had not seen it in such a long time. I slid it over my head and placed it in her hands. She brought it to her ear and gave it a small shake. I could hear something tinkling inside. She grasped the talisman and unscrewed the top. Inside was a small black stone. She explained to me that it was an obsidian stone. She advised me that it symbolized great self control and would protect its carrier. She told me that the stone and necklace had found their way to me for a reason and that I should wear them always.

  We sipped our tea
and sat in silence for a moment. Grandma told me that I was very fortunate to have a loving grandmother in my life. She was not so lucky. She had not known her grandmother when she was a young girl. She did not have anyone to help guide her through her transition. She explained to me that she was abandoned as an infant. Years later, when grandma was thirty, Iris, her biological grandmother came to see to deliver a message. Iris told her that although she felt invincible, her life was finite. She would cease to live when her granddaughter became pregnant. Grandma never saw Iris again.

  Shortly after their meeting, grandma was sleeping one night. She had a dream, where she was visited by a young girl with blonde hair. When she awoke the next morning, she felt different. A few days later she found out that she was pregnant.

  I asked her if she knew who the girl was in her dream. She did not and had only experienced her presence twice. I asked her if her grandmother died after she became pregnant. She was not able to tell me because she never saw her grandmother again. I was confused and scared. I took comfort in the fact that I was only seventeen and would still have plenty of time to spend with my grandmother. We spent the rest of the morning telling each other stories of our powers and experiences. I felt so close to her.

  Just then the cuckoo clock went off and chimed twelve times. It was noon already. I was supposed to meet with Jonah. He was moving and had asked me to help him unpack. I told my grandma that I would come back and see her tomorrow. I suggested that we could even go hunting together for my birthday. She was so pleased. She warned me that vampires get stronger and faster with age. She was excited to give me a run for my money.